Apology too late.

Church, chapel and mission hall,
They were the old tramp’s secret pain,
He knew conversion at a tender age,
But lost it on a train.

Church, chapel and mission hall,
Your apology came too late,
The old tramp died on a bomb-site
But was welcomed at Heaven’s gate.

Church, chapel and mission hall,
Next  time you mention Hell,
Think on, evaluate,
You might go there as well. 

Church, chapel and mission hall,
The inquiry is going on,
Decades have passed, but your guilt remains,
Justice triumphs over wrong.

Church, chapel and mission hall,
The old, old story’s true,
Jesus came to save,
Still hope for me and you.

The old tramp is at peace,
His prayer he prayed so young
Was heard by a faithful God
Who gave His only Son. 

R. de L.

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