Category Archives: Pocket Philosophy

The pinhead dancers.

When a consensus appears between what were two conflicting theories then someone has lost the edge and become a lazy thinker.

This logic applies only to this time space.

Remember the journey from the valve to the transistor to the  chip – ditto and, yes, a billion humans can dance on a pinhead, old what’s-it’s-face said so, and they were all a size 8. You have to be Chinese to get that one. L.


The chequered board.

I bought this banjo for £5.00. It had no strings & a torn skin. I replaced the old skin with a piece of oiled tablecloth & used the 6th, 5th & 4th guitar strings, tuned them to B, E & A flat, painted a picture & passed the time on a summer day picking a bass riff.THE CHEQUERED BOARD.


The game is being played out,

But checkmate is not yet at hand.

The players know which one will win

But few will understand

The drama being played out.


Now the pieces on this chequered board

Are stubborn, but move they will,

Even though it means to kill

And unrest sweeps the land.


I know what you are thinking,

It’s good and evil being played out,

But that would be too simple,

The truth will be teased out,

But no-one will say

‘I told you so.’ L.
