Another assortment of photos & verse, The crowd must be thrilled.

Today’s version of a previous song. The willow tree

The crowd must be thrilled,
A new trick must be learnt,
Error to blame
When the pilot was burnt.

Death no deterrent if one’s of a kind,
Boredom, no brainer, all in the mind.

Living by fear, the thrill of the chase,
Adrenaline calling, must never lose face.

A youth will explore who really they are,
To learn to fly early, or drive a fast car.

But not all have a body that’s pumped up by iron,
A brain so alert, quick witted of mind. 

Some will just struggle, true self to be free
Vulnerable to extremes and tyranny.

None can explain why this or why that
Makes good or makes evil, to love or to hate.

In the kingdom of God, even there, be alert,
It’s sin within nature to spoil or pervert.

R. de L.  04/07/2014

Once again I’m grateful to my wife, Lynda, for making this post & all posts happen. I might have the ideas, some might say inspiration, but unless someone else, as in my case, put it in legible form it profits no-one. 
Lynda had a treat on her birthday on Monday when she went flying with aerobatics in a CAP10 at the Tiger Club at Headcorn where Lynda & I are associate members. As well as enjoying the aerobatics, the experience of flying in & out of clouds at different altitudes was something else! I’m really pleased that this day actually happened for her.  As outsiders to the aviation world we might have felt it a bit clique-y like some clubs are & associations are, but we have found that not to be so, & we love to get over there as much as we can. We would heartily recommend anyone who has an interest in planes, but no flying experience, to visit.



One thought on “Another assortment of photos & verse, The crowd must be thrilled.

  1. barry

    As always my friend your poetry astound me as you have a great way with words and a very good way in the garden with your outsider art (Love the tree) which looks to be taking shape
    Great work and best wishes
    PS: A belated Happy Birthday to Lynda

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